Image Comics Database

Real Name

Unnamed Planet
First appearance


Rognarrs are savage alien beasts and one of the few species in the galaxy known to be able to injure and kill Viltrumites. The gravity on their planet is so dense that they have had to evolve to be extremely tough simply to be able to move. This has also granted them unprecedented levels of strength and endurance.

First encountered by Nolan Grayson on a mission to investigate their planet for the Viltrumite Empire, the Rognarr were able to almost immediately subdue Nolan and put his life in extreme danger - they were able to easily tear flesh from his bones, keep him pinned down, and were able to jump immense distances to catch him when attempting to fly away.

It is unknown how Nolan eventually escaped, but in the following years many Viltrumites (including Conquest) tried and failed to capture or kill even a single Rognarr. Recognizing the threat they posed to their Empire, the Viltrumites eventually opted to place an enormous solar disk in front of the planet's sun, freezing it, along with the Rognarr, entirely.

Years later, Nolan would return to The Rognarrs' planet with Allen The Alien whilst hunting down weapons and creatures that could harm Viltrumites. Now safe to land on the planets surface, the two investigated the icy terrain but determined they would have to move the solar disk to locate any Rognarr. Nolan informed Captain Pikell and his crew who were assisting with the mission of this, however Pikell opted to fire a large energy beam at the disk, destroying it entirely. Panicked by this, Nolan and Allen hurried to find a specimen to capture, but the Rognarr quickly thawed from the ice that was trapping them and began attacking the two. Despite being stronger than Nolan, Allen was just as helpless when fighting the Rognarr. Nolan told Allen that they had only lasted as long as they had due to the Rognarr still being groggy after being thawed, and the two quickly fled the planet before they woke up completely.

The Rognarr were next seen during The Viltrumite War after Space Rider, who had finally managed to capture seven of the beasts, unleashed them upon Grand Regent Thragg and the other hostile Viltrumites. Even in the vacuum of space, the creatures were able to savage multiple Viltrumites and despite being one of the strongest beings in the universe, Thragg feared the Rognarr and instructed the other Viltrumited to avoid them entirely, instead letting the vastness of space be their demise.

Character Powers and Equipment

Powers and AbilitiesEdit


-Powerful hind legs allowing them to jump great distances

-Seemingly unnaffected by the vacuum of space

Strength level

Extreme strength and endurance: Rognarr are able to savage adult Viltrumites with ease.


Predictable behaivour: Rognarr are wild animals incapable of higher thought.

Appearances, Images, and Quotes Edit

  • Quotations by or about Rognarr

Trivia Edit

Allen The Alien was initially scared of Dinosaurus due to his resemblance to the Rognarr

